Twenty years of war destroyed the agricultural capacity of Northern Uganda. Skills were lost, crops were stolen and land abandoned. As the primary producers of food, women bore the brunt of the conflict. In today’s post-conflict environment, most of African Women Rising’s women rely on agriculture as their main source of income.
A garden like this can provide a family with both food and income. Many of the women use the income to pay for school fees, health care and to save for investments like domestic animals.
Field crops, such as maize or sorghum, provide the majority of their food and any excess is sold to pay for school fees, health care or other costs. Any stress, such as drought or floods, can cause farmers to lose large parts of their harvest, as can lack of knowledge of basic agronomic practices.
Even in a good year many farmers experience seasonal household hunger. Based upon discussions with the women, our trainings in agriculture have a two-pronged approach to increase the availability, accessibility and utilization of food. The Organic Field Crop Production Program is designed to sustainably increase food production by building women’s agro-ecological skills.
The Permagardening Program was developed to ensure year around access to nutritious vegetables and fruit through the establishment of small vegetable gardens around the home.
The African Women Rising Perma Gardens are changing people’s lives. African Women Rising hopes to start 500 new gardens this year.
This young woman is a member of one of our women’s groups. She just received 14 seedlings to plant around her newly established perma garden. Citrus, mango, guava, neem, jackfruit and more.
Our project outcomes and long-term impact have broad ramifications and include increased soil fertility, increased crop yields, better diet and nutritional intake, increased income for participants and increased access to healthcare and schooling.
We are thankful for your continuedsupport and trust in us.