Dear Friends of African Women Rising, I have been feeling a bit stuck lately. In…

Announcing… African Women Rising
Let’s admit it – Community Action Fund for Women in Africa — is a mouthful.
It’s long, and few people remember it.
We have been feeling for some time that our name, which was most often used as the acronym CAFWA, didn’t quite tell our story to the world. Upon first introductions to new acquaintances, potential donors, supporters and the press, we have spent valuable time explaining the acronym, instead of our mission and what we accomplished.
It has taken a great deal of deep and protracted thought, discussions and occasional pacing in my office for us to decide to change our name. As you can imagine, it wasn’t an easy — or fast — decision. We have had numerous meetings with staff and the CAFWA board. During one of these discussions with the staff in Uganda, one of our colleagues said, “Here in Acholiland, a child has one name when young. As this child grows up the name changes to reflect the maturity and personality of an adult. CAFWA is now an adult and it is time for us to make that shift.”
With much anticipation, I am thrilled to announce CAFWA is now African Women Rising.
We are committed to the same mission and important goals that have driven us from the beginning. Our work with African Women Rising will continue to focus on empowering women in Africa to rise up and take control of their lives.
2017 is off to a great start and looks to be a big year. We are looking forward to your continued support and participation as we continue our mission.
Here are a few ways to get involved with African Women Rising:
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